Overview of my program:

Enjoy the comfort and privacy of “in home” personal training. This is a very private, nicely air conditioned setting for just “you”. Every time you train with me you’ll never do the same circuit twice within any given week. I will be adding new/more exercises/routines each time we train together. The time will fly by, I can promise you that! These circuits are the most effective way to train. No other workout burns this much fat and calories at one time. Also, as you train and become more advanced, we change the circuit around to a body part slit to maximize body strength and fat loss using heavier weights. As you become more fit you will need to advance to heavier weights to see your body take on a completely different sculpted shape. You will be urged to do cardio on your own with my specifically designed cardio program free of charge. This will ensure fat loss while we’ll transform your body and add strength.

To take full benefit of my workouts, it’s encouraged you follow one of my special designed diets specifically to your body type to allow maximum fat loss. Also, it is advised you try and train at least 3 xs per week to get the full benefit of the workouts. Some clients choose to do a 4 day split after 2 months of full body training for faster results.

Research has shown that working out at least 3x a week is the most beneficial for fat loss. I also recommend you plan on training for at least 3 - 6 months to physically see the changes in your body. However, you may choose whichever package you like and go from there. You will notice slight changes in tightness in fat pocket areas (belly, hips, legs/glutes), overall appearance, cloths fitting looser in about a month at 3x per week, but the real changes will occur in the first 3-6 months. On the days you do not train with me (or the days you do if you choose), you NEED some type of cardio exercise for at least 40-45 min., 5-6x per week, depending what your overall goal is. Cardio can mean speed walking, jogging, running/walking intervals, swimming, kick boxing, aerobics, playing sports, etc. Cardio can be done back to back on the same days you train with me as long as you do weight training first! If you do your cardio first in the morning before you train with me, as long as there is a 2-3 hr gap you will have enough energy to complete a moderate to intense cardio routine after.

My goal is to teach you how to get off those machines you repeatedly use at the gym and learn proper form with free range of motion using free weights. Almost all exercises that you can do on a machine you and do using free weights! Machines have their place, don't get me wrong, but your workout needs to be versatile in both.

This is an overview and how your session time breaks down:

  • PLEASE be on time, there are clients that come directly after you. Sessions are 60 min total (including a 5 min warm up and 10 min cool down and stretching I do for you afterwards). You are only shorting yourself if you come late and do not have time to complete the entire circuit for any given session. It also saves time if you can warm up before you come (run in place for 5 min, active stretching, walking, etc.) 

  • Last 10 minutes is deep stretching. You will relax with dimmed lighting on a yoga mat while I do the work! I will stretch your quadriceps, hip flexors, hamstrings, lower back, arms in all positions, shoulders, and oblique’s. This is a great end to our workout.

  • I have developed a training program that I know works! You will get a full body workout from head to toe utilizing all upper and lower body parts.

  • Expect to have some body/muscle soreness for at least the first week, if this your first time with a trainer. You will be using muscles you’ve never used before, pushing your body to limits you never knew possible. As your body adapts to our workouts, the soreness will subside. A hot bath or the use of Motrin might help following our first few sessions.
  • Upon signing up with me on your first session, we will weigh you and do all measurements, then each month after that we’ll reweigh and measure your progress. I also keep a log of all your workouts and will show you your progress.
  • In the winter and a snowy day, please bring boots to wear in and change into your training shoes. I cannot get water on my rubber flooring! Thank you!!!

You will enjoy the comfort of working on our my new non slip commercial grade all rubber flooring. I have every piece of fitness equipment you need for a fat burning full body workout. Other than that, have fun with it. I will be with you every step  of the way until you and I together, reach your fitness goals!

Things you will need at each session:

  • Water (if you shall ever forget water, I always have extra bottles on hand)
  • Workout gloves--if you choose to wear them (sold anywhere…but Marshalls or TJ Maxx sells them super cheap for $4-5) You might develop some calluses from the weights, as my weights are texturized for better grip
  • Towel (you’ll need it, I promise) but, if you forget it…I keep plenty of paper towel for a clean, non-streak and hand print free mirror!





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